The Basic Idea of Kung Fu is to help realize all that is good in mankind and to acknowledge that there is no limit to a person's capability. Excellence is within the reach of all. And the only difference between you and the master is the master has made the effort.
Sifu Mark Herbert owns and operates, with the assistance of Sidigoo Julie Herbert, the NWC Martial Arts Academy of Michigan in Livonia. It is our goal to bring the Art and the Way of Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu, training of the body, the mind and the spirit, to any and all who are interested in a more fulfilling and healthy lifestyle.
Sifu Mark Herbert
Mark Herbert began his martial arts training in 1976 with the American Karate Association. He furthered his training in the arts of Chinese Kenpo (with the Last Word Kenpo Academy under Sifu Ed Mukai), Tai Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do, Aikido, Aiki Jujitsu, American Kenpo (with Guardian martial Arts under Master Steve Stewart and Senseis Shelby and Kelly Perkins), Kyusho Jitsu (under Master Steve Stewart and Grandmaster George Dillman), Tai Chi Chuan, Kung Fu and Shoryn Ryu (under Sifu Tom Smith of the Shaolin Temple in Westland, MI) and Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu under Sigung Dan Suchon. Mark Currently holds rank in Chinese Kenpo, American Kenpo, Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu, Aiki Jujitsu, Kyusho Jitsu and Reiki. Sifu Mark received his 3rd degree Black Sash Rank in Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu in November, 2012.
Sidigoo Julie Herbert
Julie Herbert began her martial arts training in 1998 in Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu under Sigung Dan Suchon in Lake Jackson, Texas in the Tai Chi Chuan program. She assisted Sigung Suchon with the Youth Kung Fu program there for 2 years prior to moving to Michigan in 2001. She has also trained additionally in Tai Chi, Kung Fu and Shoryn Ryu (under Sifu Tom Smith), and Kyusho Jitsu (uner Master Steve Steward and Grandmaster George Dillman). Julie Currently holds rank in Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu, Aiki Jujitsu, Kyusho Jitsu and Reiki. In November, 2012, Sifu Julie received her Master (Si di goo) rank in Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu.
Sifu Erh Mike Cuba
Sifu Erh Jeff Maciejewski
Sifu Erh Joeseph M. Parisi
Sifu Erh Nick Parisi
Sifu Erh Jason Ruiter
Sifu Joey Parisi
Sifu Kathrin Parisi
Sifu Dan Evans
Sifu John Gibbs
The Founding Masters created Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu:
Huo Yuan Chia Chan Wah Shun Ku Yu Cheong Sun Lu Tang
They taught:
Liu Hui-Shing Chow Ting Hua Li Hui-Sheng Wang Wei Fan Ch'en Kung-Che
Master Chow taught:
Sijo/Dr. Larry Sanders
Another Grandmaster joined in Nei Wai Chia!!
Grandmaster Sunyata Saraswati, Shen Tao system and other systems
They taught:
Grandmaster Daniel Suchon, who is now the head of the Nei Wai Chia and Shen Tao families
Grandmaster Daniel Suchon
And Sijo, Grandmaster Sunyata Saraswati and Shanji Daniel Suchon taught us ...
And now we teach it to you!
Choose to Improve You in 2025!!
Winter 2 Session is open for registration.
Make the choice to improve your health with Tai Chi Chuan or Kung Fu!
Every journey starts with the first step!
Choose to improve You in 2025!
Winter 1 Session ends March 2nd.
Winter 2 begins March 3rd.